Page 393 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                       Champion Great Neighborhoods

                                    Goal 1: Foster Healthy and Attractive Neighborhoods
                                        Objective 2: Provide for a Variety of Housing Options
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             CGN   Eviction Prevention         Fully utilize available resources to   Shared Services (Housing)
             1.2.1                             assist families avoiding eviction

             During the COVID‐19 pandemic, additional federal and          Cumulative Number Served
             state funding was received to assist families from being    800
             evicted. Funds are used to pay past due and future rent
             and utility bills.                                   600
                    Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and    400
                    CDBG‐CV funds from COA allocation: $260,000
                    and $735,000; Received in FY 2020             200
                    Texas Eviction Rental Assistance Program (TERAP):
                    $753,017; Received 01/2021                      ‐
                    Eviction Rental Assistance Program (ERAP):        FY 2020  1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
                    $21,587,852                                               CDBG    TERAP    ERAP
                    Total Funds = $23,335,869

             Funds can be used to assist persons impacted by COVID‐19
             and who are unable to pay their rent. Assistance can be         Cumulative Dollars Spent
             provided for up to 18 months depending upon the
             programs used. Both tenants and landlords can apply at   $3,000,000

             During the 4  quarter, completed the following efforts for   $1,000,000
             eviction prevention:
                    Hire additional staff; increased to 24, with 9     $0
                    additional starting in October 2021.                    FY 2020 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
                    Completed advertising campaign to include: email
                    blast to 440 landlords, advertising on Facebook &         CDBG    TERAP    ERAP
                    Instagram to estimated audience of 330,000;
                    convenience store gas toppers reaching estimated
                    450,000; direct mail postcards to 500+
                    landlord/churches/non‐profits; coverage on 3
                    radio stations with reach to over 500,000; and
                    billboard presence with over 600,000 possible
                    impressions weekly through Dec 2021.
                    To provide more room for ERAP staff, obtained
                    additional office space in the Arlington Human
                    Services Building and remodeling Housing office
                    space. Looking for more space.

             Next steps:  Discussions with nonprofit agencies to expand
             access points and provide CND committee and City Council
             with amended policies for their consideration.

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