Page 396 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Champion Great Neighborhoods
Goal 2: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
Objective 1: Promote Community Engagement
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
CGN Community Engagement APD Volunteer Hours Neighborhood Services (Police)
2.1.3 Virtual Neighborhood Participation
ACAPP/Citizen Police Academy Graduates
The Police Department’s main goal is to provide public Volunteer Hours
safety service to the Arlington community. This goal can 10,000
only be achieved through key collaboration with residents
and business partnerships. Local volunteer groups work 8,000
closely with the department to achieve this goal. These 6,000
groups include Community Watch Groups, Citizen Patrol
groups, Citizen Police Academy graduates, COPS mobile 4,000
members, and Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership 2,000
graduates. The department also relies on local business
alliances, apartment managers, and youth mentoring 0
programs to serve as crime deterrents and offers 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
opportunities for community involvement. These
partnerships provide positive interactions and enhance FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
trust between the public and the department. Continued
communication and interaction with the community are
crucial to establish genuine relationships to resolve issues
within our community.
In the 4 quarter of the fiscal year, we continued to be
active in staying connected with the
community and addressing any concerns they may have.
Our engagement was mostly done through
email, phone calls and video conferencing.
The Crime Prevention Unit is working on coordinating new
community events within the next few months. This has
been challenging times for everyone, but the community is
very supportive of our efforts. Virtual communication has
been our focus moving forward. Our directive from the
Chief is community engagement and working with our
The unit is focused on National Night Out and Faith and
Blue in October, among other programs that we’re
coordinating for the year to increase our interaction in the
APD has partnered with One Community USA to bring
Shop Talk to Arlington. We held our first Shop Talk
Community Meeting in September at Legacy Barber Shop
and have additional meetings planned for this Fall.