Page 397 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Champion Great Neighborhoods
Goal 2: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
Objective 2: Develop a Sense of Place
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
CGN Neighborhood Matching Grant Grants awarded (number and funding Shared Services (Office of Strategic
2.2.1 Program amount) Initiatives)
Milestone Estimated Actual
The goal of the Neighborhood Matching Grant (NMG) Completion Completion
Program is to provide financial support for resident and Issue Call for Projects Sept. 2020 Aug. 2020
community‐based programs and activities that foster civic Council Approval of Grants Jan. 2021 Feb. 2021
pride, enhance and beautify neighborhoods, and improve Execution of Contract Mar. 2021 Mar. 2021
neighborhood vitality and participation. The program All Funds Granted May 2021 Apr. 2021
benefits the City of Arlington by making neighborhoods
more attractive, raising the level of community pride,
increasing civic participation by residents, and
encouraging collaboration and formal organization of and
among neighbors, neighborhoods, and city government.
During this cycle, nine applications were reviewed by the
Community and Neighborhood Development Committee.
On February 9, 2021, City Council approved seven grant
awards in the amount of $105,910. All grantees attended
a training session in February and all contracts were
executed by the end of the quarter. All checks were
issued to the neighborhoods to begin their projects by
April 2021. All projects are currently underway and
expected to be completed by the end of the calendar