Page 395 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Champion Great Neighborhoods
Goal 2: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
Objective 1: Promote Community Engagement
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
CGN Neighborhood Engagement Communication with neighborhoods Shared Services (Office of Strategic
2.1.2 Program Impressions via social media Initiatives)
The Neighborhood Engagement Program seeks to engage Neighborhood Nextdoor Impressions
Arlington citizens with their neighborhoods and with the 100,000
City. The goals of the program are to help residents Know
Your City through communication and education 80,000
initiatives; Know Your Neighbors through growing social 60,000
capital; and Build‐Up Neighborhoods Together through
investing in neighborhood infrastructure. 40,000
Initiatives include the Champion Great Neighborhoods
newsletter, expanding the use of NextDoor and other 0
social media to reach residents, creating a Neighborhood 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Leadership Network, hosting semi‐annual Neighborhood
Target Actual
Leadership summits, the Block Party Trailer program, the
Arlington Home Improvement Incentive program, the
Neighborhood Matching Grant program, among other
efforts. OSI anticipates at least 50,000 impressions on
Nextdoor each quarter.
In the 4 quarter, there were 67,097 impressions on 13
neighborhood engagement Nextdoor posts. Nextdoor
membership continues to climb, with over 104,811
registered users (up from 101,600 last quarter) and is an
effective means of communication for neighborhood‐
related dialogue with residents. The average number of
impressions per post increased from 4,693 last quarter to
5,161 impressions per post this quarter. Staff has learned
that posts that engage in comments from residents receive
more impressions, so staff will continue to develop content
that is interesting and relevant to neighborhoods.
However, Nextdoor has changed the algorithm so that
residents see fewer posts from public agencies.