Page 234 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 234


                                         The Crime Control and Prevention District was established to account for a
                                         one-half cent sales tax increase approved by voters on March 23, 1996, for an
                                         initial five years and extended by voters each ten years.  On the most recent
                                         election, May 1, 2021, voters extended the sales tax collection for ten more
                                         years. The purpose of the increase in sales tax is to enhance law enforcement
                                         in  Watauga.  The  additional  funding  is  used  to  add  officers  and  purchase
                                         additional equipment and supplies for law enforcement purposes.

        This  is  a  Special  Revenue  Fund  and  is  used  to  account  for  specific  revenues  that  are  legally  restricted  to
        expenditures for particular purposes. The fund is accounted for on the modified accrual basis of accounting.
        Revenues are recorded when available and measurable, and expenditures are recorded when the liability is

        Sales tax revenue continues to trend flat and is forecasted to be the same as in FY2023-2024 at $1,977,000.

        Where Does the Money Come From?

        Where Does the Money Go?

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