Page 238 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 238

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2023    FY2024       FY2024       FY2025
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected     Target
         Total calls for service                                       8,876      11,000       9,200       9,500
         Total reports                                                 1,896       2,500       1,800       2,000
         Total traffic stops                                           5,777       1,800       7,500       7,500
         Total citations                                               4,209       4,500       3,300       3,500
         Total felony arrests                                           327         400         300         400
         Total misdemeanor arrests                                      722         900         650         800
         Total crime victims assisted                                   227         300         200         250
         Total SRO student contacts                                    6,034       6,000       7,284       6,000
         Total SRO presentations                                         6          10           8           10
         Number of area school events/contacts                           4          150          2           12
         Number of public safety cadet meetings                          8          40          12           12
         Number of public safety cadet unit training hours               87        2,000        180        2,000
         Number of VIPS hours logged                                    228        1,000        24         1,000

                                                                      FY2023              FY2024           FY2025
         Measurement          Strategic Goal        Measure
                                                    Type          Goal    Actual    Goal      Projected  Goal
         # of offenses        # 2. Expand public
         known to law         safety through non-   Quantitative  500     500       400       400          375
         enforcement.         enforcement efforts.
         City population      # 2. Expand public
         per census data.     safety through non-   Quantitative          23,050    22,500    22,500       22,500
                              enforcement efforts.
         Crime rate per       # 2. Expand public
         capital.             safety through non-   Quantitative          2.17%     1.80%     1.80%        1.70%
                              enforcement efforts
         % change in crime  # 2. Expand public
         rate per capital.    safety through non-   Quantitative          +0.18%  -0.37%      -0.37%       -0.10%
                              enforcement efforts.

                 Police - CCD at a Glance

                              Location:                         FY2025 Budget:                         Full-time
                             Police Station                        $2,688,500
                          7101 Whitley Road                                                              12.00

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