Page 243 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 243


                                 The Library Donation Fund is a Special Revenue Fund used to account
                                 for  specific  revenues  that  are  legally  restricted  to  expenditures  for
                                 particular purposes. The Library Donation Fund was established to give
                                 Watauga  citizens  the  opportunity  to  assist  the  Library  in  purchasing
                                 supplies. Each month, citizens are given the opportunity to donate $1
               when paying their water and sewer bill.

               This money is used to purchase additional library supplies such as books, audio and
               videotapes, periodicals, and other types of supplies.
                                   LIBRARY DONATION FUND BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                     HISTORY           PROJECTED YEAR           BUDGET %CHANGE
                                               2021-2022 2022-2023   2023-2024 2023-2024    2024-2025  FY2024-2025
                                                Actual     Actual     Budget   Projected     Budget   VS 2023-2024

                Fund Balance, October 1          $56,357    $62,126   $66,126    $69,545      $68,545
                     Library Donations             5,400      5,080     6,000      6,000        6,000     0.0%
                     Interest Earnings               369      3,098       100      3,000          100     0.0%
                Operating Revenues             $        5,769 $        8,178  $     6,100 $         9,000  $         6,100  0.0%

                Total Available Resources      $      62,126 $      70,304  $   72,226 $       78,545  $       74,645  3.3%

                     Personnel                         0         0          0          0            0     0.0%
                     Library Materials                 0       759     10,000     10,000       10,000     0.0%
                     Maintenance                       0         0          0          0            0     0.0%
                     Capital Outlay                    0         0          0          0            0     0.0%
                Operating Expenditures                 0       759     10,000     10,000       10,000     0.0%

                TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS    $            -  $           759  $   10,000 $       10,000  $       10,000  0.0%
                Fund Balance, September 30       $62,126    $69,545   $62,226    $68,545      $64,645

                CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE            $5,769     $7,419    ($3,900)   ($1,000)    ($3,900)

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