Page 239 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 239


                                                      BUDGET CHANGES

                                Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Compared to Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget

        DESCRIPTION        CATEGORY          ONE-TIME  ON-GOING                   CHANGE EXPLANATION

        Personnel          Personnel Services           80,700  step, benefits, retention, COLA & TMRS adjustments
        Computer Supplies  Supplies                     (1,000)  Historical usage adjustment
        Weapons/Ammunition  Supplies          20,000           ALERRT Program (one time portion NR FY24-25)
        Weapons/Ammunition  Supplies                    5,000  ALERRT Program (on-going portion NR FY24-25)
        Misc. Equip/Furniture  Supplies       20,000           Furniture Replacement (one time NR FY24-25)
        Radio Maintenance  Maintenance                  (1,000)  Radio communications (wave) adjustment
        Software Maintenance  Maintenance               1,000  CAD/RMS Spillman server/maintenance estimate adjustment
        Software Maintenance  Maintenance               45,000  Flock Safety expansion (on-going NR FY24-25)
        Special Services   Contractual/Sundry           1,000  Evidence destruction estimate adjustment
        Special Services   Contractual/Sundry  3,250           Drone Program Year 2 adjustment
        Contingency        Contractual/Sundry           5,000  Adjustment for items as needed
        Motor Vehicles     Capital Outlay     (45,000)         Tahoe replacement (one time NR FY23-24)
        Motor Vehicles     Capital Outlay     400,000          COP - patrol vehicles replacement FY24-25
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     60,750           Flock Safety expansion (one time NR FY24-25)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (9,000)          Armory Storage (one time NR FY23-24)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (19,500)         Drone Program (one time portion NR FY23-24)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (15,000)         Flock Safety (one time portion NR FY23-24)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (22,600)         Portable radar signs (one time NR FY23-24)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (85,000)         Rifle replacements (one time NR FY23-24)
        Other Equipment    Capital Outlay     (16,000)         Traffic safety data collectors (one time NR FY23-24)

        Contractual Payments  Contractual/Sundry        14,000  Crime Victim Liaison reallocated from Sundry with increased estimate
        Sundry             Contractual/Sundry          (10,000)  Crime Victim Liaison reallocated to Contractual Payments

        TOTALS:                               291,900  139,700

                                                       431,600  NET INCREASE/DECREASE

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