Page 244 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 244


                                                                FUND 24

                                In accordance with SB 1087, a municipality must set up a separate PEG
               fund  to  collect  and  account  for  the  public,  educational  and  government  (PEG)  fee
               collected through cable providers.  The PEG fee is an additional 1% of gross revenue
               and can only be spent on capital items for the local access channel as described by
               federal law.  A separate fund was established in FY2017-2018 to comply with SB 1087.

               This fund is accounted for on the modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are
               recorded when the liability is incurred.

                                            PEG FUND BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                   HISTORY                   PROJECTED YEAR         BUDGET  %CHANGE
                                              2021-2022  2022-2023    2023-2024    2023-2024    2024-2025  FY2024-2025
                                               Actual     Actual        Budget     Projected     Budget   VS 2023-2024

                Fund Balance, October 1         $82,280    $86,220      $106,220    $110,434      $134,434
                     PEG Fee                     28,977     24,813        28,000       28,000       24,000    -14.3%
                     Interest Earnings              560      4,334         3,000        6,000        3,500    16.7%
                     Transfer from General Fund       0         0              0           0            0       0.0%
                Operating Revenues            $       29,537 $       29,147  $          31,000 $          34,000  $         27,500  -11.3%

                Total Available Resources     $    111,817 $    115,368  $        137,220 $        144,434  $       161,934  18.0%

                     Capital Outlay              25,597      4,934        10,000       10,000       10,000      0.0%
                     Operating Expenditures      25,597      4,934        10,000       10,000       10,000      0.0%

                TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS   $       25,597 $         4,934  $          10,000 $          10,000  $         10,000  0.0%

                Fund Balance, September 30      $86,220   $110,434      $127,220    $134,434      $151,934

                CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE           $3,940    $24,213       $21,000      $24,000      $17,500

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