Page 249 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 249


                                               The Jury Fee Fund was established in FY2019-2020 with
                                               the  passage  of  SB346  by  Texas  during  the  86th
                                               Legislature  Session  taking  effect  January  1,  2020.    The
                                               Senate Bill enacted changes to the fines, fees, and court
                                               costs  landscapes.    These  fees  are  assessed  upon
                                               conviction  of  any  fine-only  misdemeanor,  including  a
                                               parking or pedestrian offense.

               This fee is used to fund juror reimbursements and otherwise finance jury services.

                                         JURY FEE FUND BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                 HISTORY                   PROJECTED YEAR       BUDGET %CHANGE
                                           2021-2022 2022-2023     2023-2024   2023-2024    2024-2025   FY2024-2025
                                             Actual     Actual       Budget    Projected      Budget    vs 2023-2024

                Fund Balance, October 1         $562       $913        $1,213      $1,175       $1,475
                     Jury Fees                   351        262          300         300           300      0.0%
                     Interest Earnings              0          0            0          0             0      0.0%
                Total Revenues                  $351       $262         $300 $             300  $             300  0.0%

                Total Available Resources       $913      $1,175       $1,513 $          1,475  $          1,775  17.3%

                       Juror Reimbursements         0          0            0          0             0      0.0%
                       Jury Services                0          0            0          0             0      0.0%
                 Expenditures                     $0          $0          $0          $0            $0      0.0%

                TOTAL EXPENDITURES                $0          $0          $0          $0            $0      0.0%
                Fund Balance, September 30      $913      $1,175       $1,513      $1,475       $1,775

                CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE          $351       $262         $300        $300          $300

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