Page 251 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 251

Storm Drain Utility Enterprise Fund

                                       The Storm Drain Utility Enterprise is a proprietary fund.  Its purpose is
                                       to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner
                                       similar  to  private  business  enterprises  where  the  intent  of  the  City
                                       Council is that cost of providing services to the general public on a
               continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through use charges.

               This fund is used to account for user fees charged per residential and commercial unit to
               enhance  drainage  of  properties  within  the  City.    All  activities  necessary  to  provide  such
               services  are  accounted  for  in  this  fund,  including  but  not  limited  to,  administration,
               operations and maintenance.

               Accounting records for the Storm Drain Utility Fund are maintained on the accrual basis.

               Where Does the Money Come From?

               Where Does the Money Go?

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