Page 255 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 255

Performance Measures
         Workload Indicators                                          FY2023    FY2024       FY2024      FY2025
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Number of city streets maintained (street sweeper)              88         88          88           88
         Channels & Right of Way miles maintained/inspected              23         23          22           22
         Weeks of mosquito testing                                       32         31          33           33

                                                                             FY2023            FY2024       FY2025
         Measurement                  Strategic Goal        Measure
                                                            Type         Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         Percentage of drainage       # 2. Expend public
         channels maintained to       safety through non-   Efficiency   100%     85%      100%    90%      100%
         satisfactory levels.         enforcement
         Percentage completed of      # 2. Expend public
         Street Sweeping on all city  safety through non-   Efficiency   100%     100%     100%    80%      100%
         streets 2 times annually.    enforcement
         Maintain 100% Mosquito       # 2. Expend public
         sample turn in rate to       safety through non-   Efficiency   100%     100%     100%    100%     100%
         Tarrant County Health        enforcement
         Department for Vector        efforts.
         testing season.

                 Public Works – Storm Drain Division at a Glance

                              Location:                         FY2025 Budget:                         Full-time
                             Water Tower                           $4,649,840
                          7800 Virgil Anthony                                                            7.25

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