Page 252 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 252

                                                          FUND 15

                                                    HISTORY                      PROJECTED YEAR             BUDGET
                                             2021-2022     2022-2023       2023-2024     2023-2024        2024-2025
                                               Actual        Actual         Budget        Projected        Budget

        Working Capital, October 1*           $3,321,060    $4,035,700      $4,319,700     $4,685,464       $4,737,000
             Operating Revenues                1,479,826     1,484,499       1,485,000      1,485,000        1,485,000
            Interest Income                       29,222       181,991         160,000       200,000          130,000
             Other Revenue/Grant                  27,400             0               0             0                0
        Total Revenues                     $       1,536,448  $       1,666,490  $       1,645,000  $       1,685,000  $         1,615,000

        Total Available Resources          $       4,857,508  $       5,702,190  $       5,964,700  $       6,370,464  $         6,352,000
            Personnel                            285,428       429,853         506,800       409,700          509,600
             Supplies                             18,188        21,916          37,400        37,400           37,400
             Maintenance                          10,284        27,293          37,000        37,000           52,000
            Contractual/Sundry                   139,331       267,674         356,200       400,255          361,640
             Depreciation (non-exp)              444,350       452,861               0             0                0
        Total Operating Expenditures             548,858     1,199,597         937,400       884,355          960,640

        Operating Transfers-Out
             To General Fund                             73,500  73,500         74,000        74,000           74,000
             To Internal Service Fund                 0              0         120,000       120,000          120,000
        Total Operating Transfers-Out             73,500        73,500         194,000       194,000          194,000

        Operating Surplus/(Deficit)             $914,090      $393,393   $          513,600  $          606,645  $            460,360
        CAPITAL PROJECTS                         158,399       457,260       1,331,300       555,109         3,495,200

        TOTAL OPERATING & TRNSFRS&CAP      $          780,757  $       1,730,357  $       2,462,700  $       1,633,464  $         4,649,840

        Working Capital, September 30         $4,076,750    $3,971,833      $3,502,000     $4,737,000       $1,702,160

        CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                    $755,690      ($63,867)      ($817,700)      $51,536       ($3,034,840)

        * Working Capital adjusted to CAFR first of year

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