Page 233 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 233

SCHEDULE A - Estimated Cost for Economic Development Corporation
                                                    Salary/ Benefits Personnel
                         Department        Tasks performed for the EDC                Estimated hours  Estimated Cost

               City Secretary - TOTAL      Records Retention/PIA/Minutes/Resolutions/Agenda Posting  416  $18,252
               Asst. to the City Secretary 10%  Records Retention/PIA                        208           $6,529
               City Secretary 10%          Agenda Prep/Minutes/Resolutions/Posting           208          $11,723
                                           Financial Reporting, Budget, Annual Report, Audit, Purchasing,
               Finance  - TOTAL            Accounts Payable                                  62            $3,978
               Finance Director & Asst. FD- Total 45 hours  Monthly Report                    5            $3,242
                                           EDC Attendance                                     5
                                           Annual Budget/Annual Report/Audit                 30
               Financial Analyst           Monthly Report                                    12             $428
               Purchasing personnel        Purchasing/Accounts Payable                       10             $309

               Information Technology - TOTAL  Marketing /Website/Projects/Updates          1768          $69,223
               Media Specialist            85% of Media Specialist Position                 1768
               Public Works/Parks - TOTAL  Project Coordination/Oversight                   125            $8,464

               City Manager's Office       EDC Director, Business Retention, Economic Development Duties  $192,812
               EDC Coordinator             100% Economic Development Coordinator position salary & benefits  2080  $75,837
               EDC Director (City Manager)  50% City Manager salary & benefits              1040          $116,976
               Sub-total                                                                                 $292,730
                                                             Other Items
               Annual Audit Allocation     4% of Total                                                     $2,500
               Codification Fees           15% of Total                                                    $1,200
               Mowing of EDC project sites  9 times per year                                              $15,210
               Sub-total                                                                                  $18,910
               GRAND TOTAL                                                                              $311,640

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