Page 232 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 232


                                                 BUDGET CHANGES

                          Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Compared to Fiscal Year 2023-2024  Budget

        DESCRIPTION                 CATEGORY          ONE-TIME ON-GOING           CHANGE EXPLANATION
        Business Retention:
        Incentive Fund              Contractual/Sundry           50,000  Beautification Program addition
        Business Attraction:
        Incentive Fund              Contractual/Sundry  10,000           380 Agreement adjustment

        General Administration:
        Software Maintenance        Maintenance                   (700)  Adobe Suites License adjustment
        Dues & Subscriptions        Contractual/Sundry             50    TEDC dues increase
        Attorney Fees               Contractual/Sundry           (5,000)  Usage analysis adjustment
        Contractual Services        Contractual/Sundry           (2,000)  Civic Plus annual fee removal

        Transfer to General Fund    Transfers          32,640            Allocation adjustment
        Transfer to Capital Projects Fund  Transfers   90,000            Splashpad redesign (50%)
        Transfer to Capital Projects Fund  Transfers   10,000            Contingency
        Transer to General Oblig. Debt  Transfers       1,000            Allocation adjustment

        TOTALS:                                       $143,640  $42,350

                                                                $185,990  NET INCREASE/DECREASE

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