Page 230 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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        Mission Statement

        To make Watauga the best place to do business today and in the future by generating equitable economic growth
        opportunities, building strategic partnership, and maximizing resources.
        Department Overview

        To  advance  the  economic  strength  of  Watauga  through  business  and  community  support  programs,  public
        education, and strategic partnerships.  Economic Development provides emphasis on improving the business
        climate through new development, redevelopments, workforce development, business retention and expansion,
        and small business development.

        To enhance the quality of life for residents and the sustainability of City businesses through the retention and
        revitalization  of  exiting  business  and  neighborhoods,  and  promotion,  recruitment,  and  coordination  of  new
        commercial and residential development in the City.

        Highlights/Achievements for FY2024

            ➢  Researched and proposed the Watauga Revitalization Action Plan (WRAP) Incentive Policy designed
               to support local businesses by assisting with revitalization improvements.
            ➢  Economic development activity was strong for the 2024 fiscal year and included multiple business
            ➢  Continued advertising efforts to include the Business Spotlight program and Shop Watauga social
               media platform to promote Watauga businesses.
            ➢  Continued to maintain economic development related databases to meet the needs of the development
        Goals/Objectives for FY2025

            ➢  Launch the WRAP program to support local business revitalization.
            ➢  Support the design and construction for the Food Business Park to support economic development
            ➢  Continue to promote Watauga businesses and stimulate participation in shop local programs.
            ➢  Prepare projects for development which allow for continued economic growth in the City.

        Summary of Expenditures by Category
        The Economic Development budget increased by $185,990 primarily due to the Beautification program addition,
        attorney fees and allocation transfer adjustments.  Transfer to EDC Capital Projects in the amount of $100,000
        includes $90,000 for splashpad redesign and $10,000 contingency.  There were additional minor adjustments to
        the budget that also contributed to the overall change in the budget from 2023-2024.

                                       FY2023             FY2024               FY2024              FY2025
                                        Actual            Adopted             Projected            Budget
         Supplies                        308               1,000                 650                1,000
         Maintenance                       0               1,000                1,000                300
         Contractual/Sundry             46,124             85,250              107,300             138,300
         Capital Outlay                  1,200                0                   0                   0
         Transfers                     419,700            428,000              428,000             561,640
         Total Economic Dev.           467,332            515,250              536,950             701,240
   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235