Page 159 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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        Mission Statement

        The  Human  Resources  Department  is  committed  to
        delivering  the  highest  quality  of  service  to  all
        departments, employees, applicants, and citizens. It supports the City of Watauga through recruitment, training
        and  retention  of  a  diverse  and  high  performing  workforce  and  management  of  employee  benefits  and
        compensation.  Our goal is to make Watauga A Great Place to Work.

        Department Overview
        The Human Resources Department is responsible for the following core services: Professional Development
        and Performance Management, Employee and Labor Relations, Risk Management, Compensation and Benefits
        and  Workforce  Planning.    These  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  Recruitment,  On-boarding,  Workers’
        Compensation,  Unemployment  Claims,  Job  Descriptions,  Benefits,  Employee  Relations,  Employment
        Verification,  Employee  Engagement,  Retirement,  ADA,  COBRA,  FMLA,  Performance  Evaluations,  Training,
        Workers’ Compensation, Safety, Compliance with Local Government Code Chapter 143 for Firefighters and
        Police Officers, Meet and Confer Negotiations, Personnel Records Management and recommending action on
        complex personnel issues including disciplinary issues and termination.

        Highlights/Achievements for FY2024

            •  Managed and tracked 11 workers compensation cases, 33 first aid injuries, 11 FMLA, and 10 vehicle
            •  Marketed and recruited for an increased number of vacancies throughout the year including the
               utilization of billboard advertisements.
            •  Successfully onboarded 37 FT/PT employees.
            •  Processed 32 terminations, tracking Exit surveys, and running turnover reports.
            •  Worked on Personnel Enhancement Plan requests – and total compensation worksheets for all
               department on personnel requests/changes totaling 38 requests.
            •  Completed promotional testing for Fire Department Driver, Lieutenant, and Battalion Chief positions
               and Police Department Corporal position.
            •  Proctored 3 entry exams for Police and 1 for Fire, scheduled assisted in coordination of appeal hearing.
            •  Recruited for one new staff member on the HR team.
            •  Enhanced the annual compliance training and established a quarterly completion schedule.
            •  Successfully revised 6 policies, implemented Employee of Month program, Referral Program, & training
            •  Successfully completed Vacation /Compensatory Time to reduce City Leave Liability.
            •  Collected and tracked all Performance Evaluations for new year March due date.
            •  Significantly reduced unemployment chargebacks in 2023-2024 and was successful with all claims.
            •  Implemented new employee appreciation notes for Employee Appreciation Week.
            •  Successfully completed 2 blood drives, and one upcoming employee fundraising campaign with the
               Tree of North Texas.

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