Page 157 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 157

FY2023             FY2024         FY2025
         Measurement           Strategic Goal         Measure
                                                      Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Projected  Goal
         Percentage of City     # 1. Maintain the
         Council  meeting      financial strength of
         minutes approved      the City               Efficiency      100%     100%  100%  100%             100%
         without changes.      # 4. Strengthen future
         Transcribe and        # 1. Maintain the
         publish City          financial strength of
         Council meeting       the City               Efficiency      100%      84%     100%       90%        90%
         minutes prior to      # 4. Strengthen future
         next scheduled        planning
         Percentage of City   # 4. Strengthen future
         Council agendas       planning               Efficiency      100%     100%     100%      100%       100%
         posted without        # 5. Improve
         errors.               community
         Provide prompt
         response to Public    # 5. Improve
         Information           community              Efficiency      100%     100%     100%      100%       100%
         requests in 7 days    involvement
         or less.
         Conduct annual
         destruction records  # 1. Maintain the       Effectiveness      1        2       1          1          1
         which have met        financial strength of
         State retention       the City
         Posting Notices of
         All meetings, and     # 5. Improve
         possible quorum       community              Efficiency      100%     100%     100%  100%          100%
         notices. Within 72    involvement
         hours of meeting
         online and outside

                 City Secretary Office at a Glance

                              Location:                         FY2025 Budget:                         Full-time
                               City Hall                                                              Employees:
                           7105 Whitley Road                        $260,000                             2.25

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