Page 156 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 156

Budgeted Positions

         Position Title                                 FY2023         FY2024        FY2025
                                                         Actual         Actual       Budget
         City Secretary                                   1.00           1.00          1.00
         Assistant to City Secretary                      1.00           1.00          1.00
         Administration Assistant (PT)                     0              0            .25
         Total City Secretary Office FTE                  2.00           2.00          2.25

        Summary of Expenditures by Category

        The City Secretary Office budget increase by $11,750 primarily due to personnel adjustments and the
        Personnel Enhancement Plan approval for a part time Admin. Assistant position.  The reduction in election
        expenses was the essential adjustment in the budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.

                                       FY2023             FY2024               FY2024              FY2025
                                        Actual            Adopted             Projected            Budget
         Personnel                     165,000            206,200              198,800             229,700
         Supplies                        1,213             1,450                1,250               1,450
         Contractual Sundry             16,485             40,600               35,600             26,150
         Capital Outlay                    0                  0                   0                 2,700
         Total City Secretary          $182,698           $248,250            $235,610            $260,000

                                                  Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                       FY2023     FY2024       FY2024        FY2025
                                                                   Actual     Adopted      Projected     Target
         Produce meeting agendas                                      71           97           88           85
         Produce notices and possible quorums                         22          N/A           35           35
         Prepare meeting minutes                                      71           97           88           85
         Prepare resolutions                                          41           35           30           35
         Prepare ordinances                                           21           25           20           25
         Processed Contact Us/Citizen Concerns                        119         200          130           120
         Processed Public Information Requests                       210          250          200           200
         Processed property & liability insurance claims              14           12           13           12
         Boxes of records destroyed                                  321          N/A           57           65
         Processed beverage & massage permits                         43           38           44           45
         Successful election (0 complaints filed)                      0          N/A           0             0
   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161