Page 140 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 140

1                    Ci t y  o f  S outhlak      e S   tr a t e gy   Map
                                                    City of Southlake Strategy Map
                                             2  The mission of the City of Southlake is to provide municipal services that support
                                                 the highest quality of life for our residents, a supportive environment for local
                          INTEGRITY                      businesses, and unique and special experiences for visitors.
                          TEAMWORK                       We             on Our Focus Areas
                          EXCELLENCE                 3         deliver

                                                       Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                       Security    Development   Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                              Service Delivery

                4  We Serve            4   We Provide           4  We Manage             4    Promote
   Strategic Direction
                      Our                   Financial                  The
                  Customers               Stewardship                Business               Learning &

                 We do this by            We do this by            We do this by            We do this by
            5  C1  Delivering outstanding   F1  Safeguarding the   B1  Achieving strong   L1  Defining and managing

                                                                                             a professional workplace
                                           public trust through
                  customer experiences
                                                                    outcomes through
                  through innovation,      a commitment to          continual evaluation     culture that supports
                  passion, and a strong    thoughtful planning and   and pursuit of better   City values and promotes
                  culture.                 responsible, conservative   practices that improve   a positive employee
                                           financial management.     core business operations.  experience.

               C2  Enhancing the sense
                  of community by       F2  Investing to provide &   B2  Collaborating with select   L2  Fostering positive
                  proactively creating     maintain high quality    partners to implement    employee engagement.
                  opportunities for        public assets.           service solutions        Attracting, developing &
                  community partnerships,                           Maintaining an       L3  retaining a talented and
                  volunteer involvement,                        B3  environment of           motivated workforce
                  and citizen engagement.
                                                                    future readiness by      for lasting world-class
                                                                    understanding and        performance.
                                                                    acting upon the forces,
                                                                    trends, and coming
                                                                    challenges affecting
                  C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
                                1  Values                               4  Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
                                2  Mission                              5 Corporate Objectives
                                3 Focus Areas                                                     Figure 3
          Leadership Structure
          Some may notice that our organizational structure (shown on a previous page) looks quite different than
          other organizations. Traditionally each city department reports directly to the City Manager or an Assistant
          City Manager—and this was the practice in Southlake for many years. As part of the City’s ongoing strategic
          evolution to get the best possible results for our citizens, we restructured our organizational framework
          in 2016 to provide a more focused leadership approach. Under our revised framework, the City Manager,
          Assistant City Manager/Senior Director of Human Resources, Assistant City Manager,  Chief Financial Officer,
          and the Assistant to the City Manager serve as the core Corporate Team. Each additional quasi-corporate
          team member is responsible for a set of corporate functional areas. The Corporate Team continually scans
          the horizon and provides strategic direction and oversight to departments, primarily identifying and planning
          for high-risk initiatives and helping the organization become ready for the future.

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