Page 93 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 93

                                                       General Fund
                                           Human Resources – Risk Management

               Division Description
               The Risk Management Division is responsible for overseeing the City’s workers compensation program, self-funded
               health plan, liability and property insurance, and wellness and safety programs.  It focuses on identifying, analyzing,
               and managing costs and potential employee and property-related risks to the day-to day operations of all City


               FY24 Division Accomplishments
                     Continue to keep the City’s self-funded Health Plan cost below trend.

                     Maintained a low Workers’ Compensation Experience Modified at .30.
                     Decreased number of Workers’ Compensation lost time injuries from 22 in FY23 to 17 in FY24.
               FY25 Division Goals and Objectives

                     Provide Health Plan insurance for City employees and maintain a low premium for the Traditional Plan and
                       a zero premium for the Premier Plan.
                     Recover subrogation revenue from damage to City property.
                     Provide drivers training to educate and reduce the number of vehicle accidents.
                     Continue to provide safety training to educate and reduce the number of workers compensation claims.
                                                               2021-22     2022-23     2023-24    2023-24  2024-25

                EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT                         Actual    Actual     Budget   Estimate  Approved

                Personnel                                          290,478           284,737           310,412           307,448           344,774
                Supplies                                             16,559             26,078             13,300             10,673             43,300
                Services                                           187,142           158,049           196,960           134,541           201,957
                Insurance                                       8,297,846        9,142,966      10,639,883      10,571,582      10,363,463

                Total                                           8,792,025        9,611,830      11,160,555      11,024,244      10,953,494

                                                              2021-22   2022-23    2023-24    2023-24   2024-25
                PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                         Actual    Actual    Budget    Estimate  Approved

                   Health Plan Cost:

                PEPM cost on Traditional (HRA plan)          $1,407      $1,560     $1,473     $1,700    $1,811
                PEPM cost on Premier (HSA plan)                $826        $636      $840       $650       $678

                Recover subrogation revenue                   $75,000        $73,194  $90,000  $50,000  $75,000
                Vehicle accidents                               28          32         25         35        30
                Fleet accidents as percentage of total fleet    7%          7%        6%         7%         6%
                Worker's Compensation:
                  Experience rates W/C premium savings    $1,338,241        NA   $1,500,000      NA        NA
                  Experience Modifier                           0.3         0.3        0.3       0.3        0.3
                Worker's Compensation Injuries:
                  Medical only injuries                         20          26         20         20        24
                  Medical only injuries to total staff          2%          2%        2%         2%         2%
                  Lost time injuries                            62          22         15         15        15
                  Lost time injuries to total staff             6%          2%        1%         1%         1%

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