Page 83 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 83
Budget Highlights Expenditure Highlights
The FY2025 Recommended Budget incorporates significant changes within various departments:
City Attorney: Significant changes include transferring Legislative Services from the City Manager’s Office to the
City Attorney’s Office. This transfer includes the transfer of one authorized position (AP), associated contracts and
three new APs for an increase of $1,310,736.
City Auditor: There are no significant changes to the budget for the City Auditor.
City Manager’s Office: Significant changes include the movement of Legislative Services to the City Attorney’s
Office, decreasing the City Manager’s budget by $918,096 and one AP.
City Secretary: Significant changes include an increase of $203,817 and two APs to provide enhanced customer
service due the increase in public information requests.
Code Compliance: Significant changes include an increase of $365,630 and conversion of three overages to
permanent positions. This completes the reorganization that resulted in creation of the Environmental Services
Department in FY 2024, and a decrease of $205,000 related to one-time vehicle purchases that are not needed in
FY 2025.
Communication and Public Engagement: Significant changes include an increase of $108,552 and conversion
of one overage position to complete a reorganization that began in FY2024.
Development Services: Significant changes include an increase of $202,058 to reclassify 70 positions as a
result of a structural study conducted in 2024. This expense increase is offset by revenue increases resulting from
a 12.5% development fee increase.
Diversity and Inclusion: Significant changes include an increase of $104,000 in contractual commitments to
enhance the City’s assistance for small businesses.
Economic Development: Significant changes include an increase of $136,479 to comply with changes in state
law regarding Public Improvement Districts (PIDS) and general operating costs.
Environmental Services: Significant changes include an increase of $83,508 and one AP to balance the cost of
one director position across three funds, and an increase of $99,081 for underpass cleaning previously funded out
of the Transportation and Public Works budget.
Financial Management Services: Significant changes includes an increase of $472,104 and four APs to
transition the Fleet Strike Force from the Property Management department to the Financial Management
Services department.
Fire Department: Significant changes include an increase of $5,230,290 for scheduled increases in civil service
employee pay as outlined in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Fort Worth Lab: Significant changes include an increase of $298,402 and two APs for the Good Natured Initiative
and a decrease of $1,786,370 in general operating costs to move the Fort Worth Public Art Program to the Library
Department’s budget.
Human Resources: Significant changes include an increase of $147,027 and one AP for a Human Resources
Business Partner funded by the Water Department and an increase of $500,000 to fund a comprehensive
compensation study.
Library: Significant changes include an increase of $1,786,370 in general operating costs to move the Fort Worth
Public Art Program to the Library Department’s budget from the Fort Worth Lab’s budget.