Page 82 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 82
Budget Highlights Revenue Highlights
CCPD receives a one-half cent special use tax (Sales Tax) which is used to fund the public safety initiative of the
fund, with a primary focus for FY2025 on community based programs. CCPD’s Sales Tax Revenue is projected to
equal $120.5 million and is an increase of $1.1 million or 1% from the FY2024 budget.
Culture and Tourism Funds
The main source of revenue for the culture and tourism funds comes from the 9 percent Hotel Occupancy Tax
(HOT tax). Seven percent is used for operations including the Fort Worth Convention Center, the Fort Worth
Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Will Rogers Memorial Center, while an additional 2 percent levied since
1997 is used to support debt service on bonds used to expand and improve the convention center. While the HOT
tax does not contribute to the top 75% of total revenues of the City, it is important to notate; as this tax helps
provide amenities and services that stimulate the local economy and welcome over 3 million visitors to our city
each year. Visit for more information on events in Fort
Municipal Golf Fund
Municipal Golf revenues are charges for services driven from the use of the City’s golf courses. The use of the
courses has increased following the renovation of Rockwood Park Golf Course, resulting in a $1.6 million increase
in revenue from service charges for FY2024.
Municipal Airports Fund
Revenue from Fuel Flowage is anticipated to increase by $197,000 due to greater fuel flowage volume as fuel
costs remains at 18 cents a gallon. Other charges for services include airport landing fee, trans aircraft parking,
and customs fees. For more information on the City of Fort Worth’s airport rates and charges, please visit the
website at
Municipal Parking Fund
Charges for services include parking meter receipts and rent, parking tags, surface lot revenue, and general
parking and valet services. Overall service revenue increased by 4.98% ($362,113) in FY24. Municipal parking
and permit information can be found at
Solid Waste Fund
The Solid Waste Fund pays for the collection of sidewalk litter containers, mitigates all illegal dumping activity,
along with litter & nuisance abatement throughout the city. Overall service revenue increased by 9.39% ($6.7
million) in FY24. Information on garbage service; fees and billing are provided on the city’s website at https://
Stormwater Utility Fund
Overall service revenue increased by 10.49% ($6 million) in FY24.The increase is largely due to revenue
generated from a 15% stormwater utility fee increase effective January 1, 2024. For information on Stormwater
Management and details on the MyFW App, visit
Water and Sewer Fund
Overall there was an increase of 7.26% ($38 million) in Water Service revenue. Current information on Water and
Wastewater rates are provided on the City’s website.