Page 46 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 46
Budget Highlights Expenditures by Fund
FY2023 FY2024 FY2024 FY2025 Chg from PY Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Rec. Amount %
Operating Funds
General Fund $ 927,565,138 $ 1,013,812,390 $ 1,018,628,707 $ 1,062,507,450 $ 48,695,060 4.8 %
Debt Service Funds 277,275,089 320,255,259 432,060,103 344,369,404 24,114,145 7.5 %
Special Revenue 222,126,838 263,406,949 274,348,072 292,693,285 29,286,336 11.1 %
Special Revenue
Projects — 4,674,491 4,551,410 11,294,933 6,620,442 141.6 %
Gas Lease/
Endowment 9,709,425 — 3,830,087 3,931,615 3,931,615 0.0 %
Enterprise Service
Funds 506,993,797 741,088,137 781,709,357 795,571,795 54,483,658 7.4 %
Internal Service
Funds 203,230,708 220,781,889 226,359,140 246,642,849 25,860,960 11.7 %
Fiduciary Funds 33,046,594 35,495,700 35,995,700 35,964,317 468,617 1.3 %
Total Operating Funds $ 2,179,947,589 $ 2,599,514,815 $ 2,777,482,576 $ 2,792,975,648 $ 193,460,833 7.4 %
Note: Debt Service Funds include the appropriation of Special Revenue Fund and Enterprise Fund related debt service payments. The
respective Special Revenue or Enterprise Fund transfer revenue to the Debt Service Funds. Asset Forfeiture Funds, Public Improvement
District Funds and Taxing Increment Reinvestment Zone Funds are not included in the table above.
Fiduciary Funds, 1.3%
Internal Service Funds, 8.8%
General Fund, 38.1%
Enterprise Service Funds, 28.5%
Special Revenue Projects, 0.4%
Debt Service Funds, 12.3%
Special Revenue, 10.5%