Page 170 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 170
General Fund Property Management
FY23 FY24 FY25
Key Measures Actual Estimated Target Desired Level
Facility Planning, Design, & Construction
Provide services to support vertical facility construction and renovation. Services include: Pre-design Services to help
clients define needs and develop conceptual project scope and cost estimates, In house design for small projects,
Design management, Construction Management, Space Planning, Programming, Facility Assessment.
Construction contracts awarded within 4
months of design for all vertical projects in 100% 100% 100% 100%
the 2014 and 2018 bond package.
Facility Maintenance
Provide services to support vertical facility construction and renovation. Services include: Pre-design Services to help
clients define needs and develop conceptual project scope and cost estimates, In house design for small projects,
Design management, Construction Management, Space Planning, Programming, Facility Assessment.
% of emergency work orders with a 99% 100% 100% 100%
response time of one day or less
Preventive maintenance work orders 71% 71% 90% 90%
completed (%)
Routine work orders completed within 65% 63% 90% 90%
twenty one days (%)
Urgent work orders with a response time of
two days or less (%) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Acquisitions (Right-of-Way & Easements)
To negotiate and acquire various land rights in support of capital improvement projects and city-wide initiatives according
to Federal and State regulations, including the use of eminent domain; provide relocation services in accordance with
Federal and State laws; manage the acquisition of infrastructure easements by developers as required by the City
subdivision ordinances; facilitate the acquisition of railroad crossing permits and the abandonment of utility easements.
Parcels for which title commitment,
environmental reports, engagement of
appraiser(s) are requested within seven (7) 78% 95% 95% 95%
business days of project/parcel assignment
Parcels for which initial offer letters are sent
within seven days of final acceptance of 77% 77% 95% 95%
appraisals. (%)
Parcels acquired within 180 days of project 45% 22% 80% 80%
start date (%)
Sale of City Owned & Tax Foreclosed Properties
The CFW is Trustee for the local taxing jurisdictions in the property management and disposition of the tax-foreclosed
property inventory. Disposition of the inventory is conducted via sealed bid and direct sales processes as allowed by
state law. PMD is responsible for the disposition and property management of City Owned Surplus Real Property via
sealed bid sale or direct sale as allowed by state law.