Page 174 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 174

General Fund                                            Transportation and Public Works


                                                              FY23          FY24          FY25
            Key Measures                                     Actual      Estimated       Target     Desired Level

            Street Maintenance
                Manage and maintain street infrastructure.
            # lane miles of pavement chip coating applied     16.2          17.1           18            18
            Repair potholes within 48 hours, 90 - 95% of the time  100%     99%           95%           95%
            Remove and replace 8,400 sq. yds of concrete panels   N/A       N/A           5,067         8,400

            Pavement Management
                Develop and direct street maintenance programs while also providing efficient customer service to internal and external
            Maintain the street network at a pavement condition of
            a 70 PCI out of 100 PCI rating                    N/A           N/A          74 PCI        70 PCI

            Stormwater Operations
                Manage and maintain stormwater infrastructure
            # miles of open channel drainage system maintained/
            restored                                          8.12          7.24           7             7
            # drainage inlets cleaned and inspected           6,507         6,500         6,350         6,350
            # acres of vegetation in drainage easements mowed  1,342        1,318         1,480         1,480
            Visually inspect 35 miles of storm drain pipe in FY24,   N/A    24.23          35            35
            with 50 miles annual target starting in FY25
            Clean 10 miles of storm drain pipe in FY24, with 15   N/A        5.7           10            10
            miles annual target starting in FY25
            Inspect 1,200 culverts on an annual basis         N/A           N/A           1,200         1,200

            Transportation Engineering
                To plan, program and coordinate multimodal transportation system development by providing professional engineering
                services and safety program management.
            Retime 1/3 of the City's Signal Corridors annually to
            optimize traffic flow with changing in traffic patterns   301   184           210           300
            and volumes
            Conversion of residential street lights to LEDs within
            75% Majority Minority Areas (MMAs).               443           577           700           275
            Installation of 2,900,000 linear foot of pavement
            markings and improvement of aging markings.        —          1,308,730     2,900,000     2,900,000

            Transportation Operations
                To actively operate, plan, and maintain the system of streetlights, signs and traffic signals in a manner that provides
                safety and achieves mobility across all modes of travel.
            Restore Flashing Traffic Signals within 24 hours of   —          —            95%           95%
            notification 95% of the time
            Traffic regulatory sign replacement within 4 hours of   97%     97%           95%           95%
            damage notification 95% of the time

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