Page 175 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 175

General Fund                                            Transportation and Public Works

            Transportation Planning
                To strategically plan and maintain the multimodal transportation system through implementation of Vision Zero and
                sidewalk projects.
            Install 10,000 linear foot of sidewalk within the 75%   8,150  5,321         10,000        15,000
            Majority Minority Areas (MMAs).
            Provide resolution to citizen requests for Traffic   87%        92%           95%           95%
            Engineering improvements in less than 60 days.

            Stormwater Program Development
                Provide strategic leadership, direction, coordination, and collaboration with Service Providers for direct implementation of
                Program maintenance, mitigation, warning, and development review to achieve the mission of the Stormwater
                Management Program "to protect people and property from harmful stormwater runoff."
            Perform condition assessment (CCTV inspection/
            evaluation) of critical storm drain pipes  to understand   40.0  40.0          40            40
            condition and prioritize project needs

            Perform  initial site visits for non-emergencies  within   95%  94%           94%           94%
            72 hours (3 business days) 95% of the time


            ROW Management
                Provide strategic leadership, direction, coordination, and collaboration associated with private utilities in ROW, design/
                construction of facilities within the ROW, Safety efforts in Transportation Management, and supporting the City Engineer
            "Utility" Permitting: ROW Mgmt to respond to 90% of   100%      99%           95%           95%
            workflow steps in permitting within 3 working days

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