P. 201

                                             TREE REFORESTATION FUND
                                                        FY 2024-25

             The Tree Reforestation Fund was established to properly account for the receipt of payments in lieu of
             compliance with the City's tree preservation ordinance. Voluntary contributions for tree planting shall also
             be placed in the reforestation fund. The funds shall be used for purchasing, planting, transplanting, and
             maintaining trees for a period of three years on public property, including public and/or capital improvement
             projects, street beautification projects, or for acquiring and preserving wooded property. Other eligible uses
             of reforestation funds shall be to support programs for the public purpose of increasing the tree canopy
             within the City and/or educating citizens and developers on the preservation, care, and maintenance of
             The fund is accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when available
             and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred.

                                                 Tree Reforestation Fund Summary

                                         Actual   Actual   Actual   Budget  Estimated Proposed CM Rec'd Approved
                                         2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  2023-24  2023-24  2024-25   2024-25  2024-25

            Beginning Balance                          -                 -                 -                 -                   -        31,470        31,470        31,470

            Plus: Fund Revenue
              Mitigation Fees                          -                 -                 -                 -         31,440                  -                 -                  -
              Interest                                 -                 -                 -                 -                30             100             100             100
            Total Resources Available                  -                 -                 -                 -         31,470        31,570        31,570        31,570
            Less: Fund Expenditures
              Tree Reforestation                       -                 -                 -                 -                  -          28,000        28,000        28,000
            Total Fund Expenditures                    -                 -                 -                 -                   -        28,000        28,000        28,000

            Fund Balance                               -                 -                 -                 -         31,470          3,570          3,570          3,570

            City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                  190
   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206