P. 196

                                             STREET MAINTENANCE FUND
                                                        FY 2024-25

             The Street Maintenance Fund was established to account for a ¼-cent sales tax increase approved by voters in
             February 2003. The purpose of the sales tax is to fund the maintenance and repairs of streets that were in existence
             at the time the tax was adopted.
             The fund is accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when available and
             measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred.

                                            Street Maintenance Fund Summary

                                     Actual   Actual    Actual    Budget  Estimated  Proposed  CM Rec'd  Approved
                                    2020-21   2021-22   2022-23  2023-24   2023-24   2024-25   2024-25   2024-25

            Beginning Balance            793,648      1,014,854      1,332,464         864,993         864,993         332,493         332,493         332,493
            Plus: Fund Revenue
              Sales Tax                  667,181         725,645         829,530         775,000         830,000         830,000         830,000         830,000
              Interest                          592              5,031           47,077           25,000           38,500           30,000           30,000           30,000
            Total Resources Available     1,461,421      1,745,530      2,209,070      1,664,993      1,733,493      1,192,493      1,192,493      1,192,493
            Less: Fund Expenditures
              Reclamation Projects        394,950         313,586      1,158,391      1,201,000      1,201,000
                   S Stewart Street                                                     1,000,000      1,000,000      1,000,000

              Misc. Street Overlay           30,666           80,585           82,373         150,000         150,000         100,000         100,000         100,000

              Misc. Maintenance            20,951           18,895         103,313          50,000           50,000           30,000           30,000           30,000

            Total Fund Expenditures        446,567         413,066      1,344,077      1,401,000      1,401,000      1,130,000      1,130,000      1,130,000
            Ending Fund Balance       1,014,854      1,332,464         864,993         263,993         332,493           62,493           62,493           62,493

            City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                  185
   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201