P. 198

                                             COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND
                                                        FY 2024-25

             The Court Technology Fund was established by City Ordinance in 2001 under the authority of the Texas
             Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 102.0172.  Revenues are collected from a $4.00 fee charged to all
             defendants convicted in Municipal Court. The purpose of the fee is to finance the purchase of technological
             enhancements for the Municipal Court of the City of Azle.

             The fund is accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are recorded when
             available and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred.

                                             Court Technology Fund Summary

                                         Actual  Actual   Actual   Budget  Estimated Proposed CM Rec'd Approved
                                        2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  2023-24  2023-24  2024-25  2024-25  2024-25

            Beginning Balance                 18,340        21,131        20,535        22,450        22,450        19,675        19,675        19,675

            Plus: Fund Revenue
              Court Technology Fee              8,891        10,279        13,113        10,000        11,500        11,000        11,000        11,000
              Interest                               9               91             630             500             725             600             600             600

            Total Resources Available       27,240        31,501        34,278        32,950        34,675        31,275        31,275        31,275
            Less: Fund Expenditures

              Computer System Fees            6,109        10,966        11,828        18,000        15,000        18,000        18,000        18,000
            Total Fund Expenditures             6,109        10,966        11,828        18,000        15,000        18,000        18,000        18,000

            Fund Balance                      21,131        20,535        22,450        14,950        19,675        13,275        13,275        13,275

            City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                  187
   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203