P. 197

                                                COURT SECURITY FUND
                                                        FY 2024-25

             The Court Security Fund was established by City Ordinance in 1995 under the authority of the Texas Code of
             Criminal Procedure, Article 102.017. Revenues are collected from a $3.00 fee charged to all defendants
             convicted in Municipal Court. The purpose of the fee is to provide security services for any buildings
             housing the Municipal Court of the City of Azle.

             The fund is accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are recorded when
             available and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred.

                                                      Court Security Fund Summary

                                        Actual   Actual   Actual  Budget  Estimated Proposed  CM Rec'd  Approved
                                       2020-21  2021-22  2022-23  2023-24  2023-24  2024-25   2024-25   2024-25

            Beginning Balance                29,929        38,239        49,327        65,118        65,118         72,418         72,418         72,418

            Plus: Fund Revenue
               Court Security Fee            10,326        12,176        15,818        12,000        13,500         13,000         13,000         13,000
               Interest                              22             196          1,240             850          1,300           1,000           1,000           1,000
            Total Resources Available        40,277        50,611        66,385        77,968        79,918         86,418         86,418         86,418

            Less: Fund Expenditures
               Police Officer Overtime          2,038          1,284          1,267          7,500          7,500           7,500           7,500           7,500

            Total Fund Expenditures            2,038          1,284          1,267          7,500          7,500           7,500           7,500           7,500
            Fund Balance                     38,239        49,327        65,118        70,468        72,418         78,918         78,918         78,918

            City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                  186
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202