P. 194

S S Sp p pe e ec c ci i ia a al l l     P P Pu u ur r rp p po o os s se e e     F F Fu u un n nd d ds s s

               The  Special Purpose Funds are  used to  account for resources associated with  a
               specific purpose.  The use of these  funds  is  dedicated to specific purposes that are
               approved by voters within the city or created by ordinance approved by the City Council.
               The City of  Azle  currently has six  special purpose funds:   Street Maintenance Fund,
               Court Security Fund, Court Technology Fund, Hotel/Motel Tax Fund, Cable PEG Fee
               Capital Projects Fund, the Crime Control & Prevention District Fund, and the Municipal
               Development District Fund.  The Crime Control & Prevention District and Municipal
               Development District budgets are approved by the City Council by ordinance, however,
               the process to adopt both budgets is separate from this budget.

               Revenues are  derived primarily from  taxes  and/or fines and  fees.   The fund is
               accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are recorded when
               available and measurable.   Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred.

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