Page 489 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                          Goal 2: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                   Objective 1: Mitigate Operating Costs and Impact on Environment
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             Core  Recycling Services         Residential Recycling Collected (Tons)   Asset Management

                                                                         Residential Curbside Recycling
             As the City of Arlington continues to educate residents to
             Recycle Right, we expect to see an increase in recycling           Tons Collected
             participation, a reduction in contamination and an
             increase in the overall quality of residential recycling
             materials. Staff continues to actively participate with the    2,000
             North Central Texas Council of Governments, and along-
             side other regional stakeholders in a Regional Recycling    1,500
             Campaign, to decrease contamination of curbside
             residential recycling and to present a unified recycling    1,000
             message throughout the region.
             The City also provides recycling drop-off locations at each    -
             library, which can be used by residents who live in multi-  Oct.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Apr.  May
             family developments that may not currently offer               Nov.         Mar.      June  July  Aug.  Sept.
             recycling services.

             Update:                                                       Library Drop-off Locations
             In the 4  Quarter, residential recycling collections totaled       Tons Collected
             5,409 tons of recyclables, an increase from the 5,205
             tons the same quarter last year.  36.84 tons of    18
             recyclables were collected from the library recycling    16
             drop-off locations in the 4  Quarter, a decrease from the    14
             42.05 tons the previous year. All library recycling drop-   12
             off sites were removed effective October 1, 2024, due    10
             to excessive contamination and illegal dumping at these    8
             sites.                                              6
                                                                      Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May  June  July  Aug.  Sept.

   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493   494