Page 488 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                          Goal 2: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                   Objective 1: Mitigate Operating Costs and Impact on Environment
                         Project                    Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             Core  Water Conservation Program   Maintain metered ratio rolling average   Water Utilities
             INF                              above 88%
             The City of Arlington Water Utilities will maintain a
             metered ratio rolling average above 88%.  In FY 2024,              Metered Ratio
             Arlington Water Utilities will proactively evaluate 25,000   100%
             linear feet of water line for leaks to catch them in the   90%
             early stages before significant water loss occurs.    80%
             Arlington Water Utilities will also evaluate and make   70%
             recommendations to purchase additional leak detection   60%
             technologies to accomplish this goal.              50%
             Update:                                            40%
             Continued aggressive conservation methods including   30%
             fielding a leak detection crew to help pinpoint leaks and   20%
             replacing of aging infrastructure with new pipe to reduce   10%
             any leakage has allowed Staff to attain a metered ratio of   0%
             89.85% of accounts for FY 2024.  AWU replaced 19,035     FY 2024 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
             linear feet of water mains in FY 2024. Additionally, we   Total
             proactively identified 428 leaks, in the 4  Quarter alone,
             that were repaired before they were visible.

                          Goal 2: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                   Objective 1: Mitigate Operating Costs and Impact on Environment
                         Project                    Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             Core  Wastewater Collection      Clean 20% of sewer lines 6” through   Water Utilities
             INF   Initiatives                15”
             The City of Arlington Water Utilities entered into the       6" ‐ 15" Sewer Lines Cleaned
             Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Voluntary Initiative           (Linear Feet vs. Total Footage)
             established by the Texas Commission on Environmental
             Quality (TCEQ) in 2005.  To participate, the City of   35%
             Arlington agreed to evaluate its sanitary sewer system   30%
             and develop an action plan that includes a schedule of   25%
             dates detailing when corrective or preventative   20%
             maintenance will occur.  Arlington Water Utilities has
             also established a goal of cleaning 20% of sewer lines 6”   15%
             through 15” annually.                             10%
             Update:                                            5%
             AWU cleaned more than twice the required footage goal   0%
             in this fiscal year, cleaning 43.49% of its sewer mains.    Total  1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
             This rate has been accomplished to comply the Texas     Footage
             Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Voluntary
             Initiative requirements.  Partnership in the Voluntary
             Initiative demonstrates the utility’s proactive approach to
             maintaining compliance with the Clean Water Act.

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