Page 486 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                      Goal 1: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Assets
                                    Objective 2: Maintain City Standards for all Municipal Buildings
                           Project                      Performance Measure(s)              Department(s)
             Core  Arlington Cemetery Ordinance                                      Office of Strategic Initiatives and
             INF                                                                     Parks & Recreation
                                                                                          Estimated    Actual
             The City has owned the Arlington Cemetery since 1995,                       Completion   Completion
             when the cemetery was declared abandoned. Since then,   Conduct GPR         Feb. 2024   Mar./Apr.
             regular maintenance and upkeep has been conducted by                                    2024
             the Parks and Recreation Department; however, the State   Replat Cemetery   June 2024
             Health and Safety Code Section 713 has prohibited the   Approve Ordinance   July 2024
             sale of new plots. In the 2023 Texas Legislature, HB2371
                                                                Ownership Validation     Aug. 2024
             was enacted, which allows the sale of plots in the   Plot Abandonment/Appeal   Sept. 2024
             Arlington Cemetery, with certain provisions. The Arlington   Period
             Cemetery Ordinance project will develop a formal plan to   Procure Cemetery Operator   Sept. 2024
             maintain, operate, and manage the sale of plots in the
             Arlington Cemetery. This project has six milestones:    Update:
                1.  Identify locations of existing graves, empty  A quote was secured for the plot plat and recording services.
                    graves, and space available for new plots. A  Ordinance development is still underway. This project will
                    Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) investigation to  continue into FY 2025.
                    identify occupied gravesites and areas where new
                    plots can be established.
                2.  File a replat of the property. A new plat will
                    legally identify plots that can be deeded to new
                    owners upon sale of the plots.
                3.  Develop and approve a Cemetery Ordinance and
                    Fee Schedule. An ordinance establishes policy
                    related to maintenance, operations,
                    improvements, interments, abandonments,
                    abandonment appeals, record keeping, third-
                    party and non-profit partner roles, and fees for
                4.  Conduct an ownership validation process. Staff
                    will make attempts to identify owners to account
                    for their plots prior to beginning the
                    abandonment and appeals process using all
                    available records and contact information.
                5.  Conduct Cemetery plot abandonment and
                    appeals period. State law requires a public
                    hearing of plot abandonment and a 10-day
                    appeals period for anyone who believes they
                    have rightful ownership of a plot.
                6.  Procure a Cemetery Operator: If the City pursues
                    a model that involves a third-party operator for
                    portions of the operations of the cemetery, a
                    procurement process must be conducted
                    according to the City’s procurement policy and
                    the adopted cemetery ordinance.

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