Page 459 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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               Goal 1: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities, and Services that Meet the Needs of the
                         Objective 1: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the Needs of the Community
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             Core  ACTIV – Active Adult Center     Number of Participants     Parks & Recreation
             CRE                                 Customer Surveys
             1.1.2                               Revenue Generation to Maintain
                                                  the Program

             ACTIV is currently under construction, with an                   ACTIV Quarterly Update
             anticipated opening in 1  Quarter FY 2025. ACTIV is on    100,000
             the west side of Arlington and caters to the active adult
             population. The facility will allow considerable    80,000
             expansion to the already high level of senior‐centric
             events offered by the Parks and Recreation        60,000
             Department. In addition, ACTIV will offer private rentals
             and various year‐round programs such as fitness    40,000
             classes, league play, art classes, educational classes,
             cooking classes, and more.                        20,000

             Update:                                                ‐
             The ACTIV Center made substantial progress during the       1st Qtr  2nd Qtr   3rd Qtr  4th Qtr
             fourth quarter, keeping the project on track for its        FY24      FY24      FY24     FY24
             anticipated opening in the 2  Quarter of FY 2025. Key            Gate Count  Scans   Revenue
             developments in this period included personnel
             changes and backend preparations essential to the   The General Manager also initiated the process of compiling
             facility's future operations.                   the list for furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E), further
                                                             ensuring the facility is well‐prepared for its opening. This list
             The General Manager, who had been instrumental in   will be critical in outfitting the center with the necessary tools
             the early planning and staffing of the center, accepted a   and amenities to serve the senior community effectively.
             new position and left the City. Before her departure,
             she successfully hired the Guest Services Coordinator   Construction continues as planned, and the team remains
             and the Fitness and Sports Coordinator, ensuring that   focused on completing the facility to meet the growing
             critical roles for ACTIV's operations were filled. These   demand for senior‐centric recreational opportunities. We look
             hires will play an important part in delivering high‐  forward to welcoming the community to the new ACTIV
             quality services and programming once the facility   center in 2025, where it will serve as a hub for fitness, art,
             opens.                                          education, and social engagement for Arlington’s active adult
             Additionally, the General Manager made significant
             strides in setting up the Active Net recreation software
             system, which will be central to managing registrations,
             rentals, and customer engagement. This backend
             system is crucial for the smooth operation of the wide
             range of programs and activities planned for ACTIV.

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