Page 453 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Support Youth and Families
Goal 2: Create an Environment that Enables our Residents to Flourish and Grow
Objective 1: Implement Support Systems
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
SYF Family Self-Sufficiency Program Increase the number of families participating Housing
2.1.1 in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program
The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a
voluntary component of the Housing Authority’s FSS New Enrolllment
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. 16
Households or individual enrolled in the FSS program 14
work with their case manager to achieve established 12
goals. Their goals are unique to themselves, but
often relate to savings, education, employment, and 10
credit score. HUD mandates 2 goals be completed 8
to graduate; being off welfare and employed full
time. 6
Participants enter into a 5-year contract but can
graduate early if they’ve achieved their goals. A 2
snapshot of their income is recorded as a baseline
when they enter the program. HCV participants pay -
30% of their income toward rent, and the housing 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
voucher pays the balance. During their contract
Goal Actual
period, if their income increases, their share of rent
also increases. As the housing authority’s portion of
rent is reduced, that savings in rent is put in an
escrow account to be held for the FSS participant. If
they graduate from the program, the escrow balance
is given to the graduate with no restrictions on its
use (however they are given guidance about paying
off debt, increasing savings accounts, etc.).
The FSS program was revamped in FY 2023 and
rebranded to Assistance Plus. Housing’s goal is to
enroll 5 new FSS participants each quarter in FY 2024.
We enrolled 14 new participants into the FSS program
during the final quarter of 2024. We held a fall mixer in
October to provide an opportunity for interested
participants to hear about FSS and what we have to
offer. Over 20 households were in attendance and
currently 7 have scheduled one-on-one interviews for