Page 452 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                          Support Youth and Families

                              Goal 1: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
                                     Objective 1: Strengthen Education and Enrichment Programs
                         Project                    Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             SYF   Empower Student Learning    Increase new library cards for all  Library
             1.1.1  and Reading with a Library   children under the age of 18
                   Card                        Increase circulation by children
                                                under the age of 18
             Libraries play an important role in the education and   Increase in new Library cards for children
             development of a child.  The Library provides support              17 and under
             for the child and student’s development by regularly    1,000
             partnering with Arlington Schools for purposes of
             outreach and programming and to support students,    800
             teachers, and faculty in their endeavors.          600

             Currently, Library offers limited access available for    400
             Arlington ISD students using their student ID number,    200
             but that only provides access to some of what the     ‐
             library offers.  Additionally, that program is only
             available for students in AISD, leaving out many          1st Qtr   2nd Qtr   3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             students in private and charter schools and those who             FY 2023   FY2024
             are homeschooled.

             By partnering with the schools on this campaign, we          Circulation of Juvenile and
             can reach parents and students and work on getting            Young Adult Materials
             library cards into the hands of students.  The goal is to    250,000
             increase the access to children have to resources to
             help them grow in their education and remove      200,000
             barriers they may experience when attempting to get    150,000
             a library card.  In FY 2024, the Library will kick off a
             Campaign. A library card is an important school    100,000
             supply! reminding parents that children who read at    50,000
             home are positioned to perform better in school and     ‐
             are more likely to continue to use the library as a
             source of lifetime learning.                                1st Qtr  2nd Qtr   3rd Qtr  4th Qtr
                                                                               FY2023   FY2024
             In the 4  Quarter of FY 2024, the Youth Services
             successfully concluded the Discover Summer program   Additionally,  the  team  completed  a  comprehensive  outreach
             and swiftly transitioned to “back to school” mode.   plan for FY 2025. This plan involves establishing and nurturing
             During August and September, the team visited 12   relationships with at least 3‐4 early learning centers per team
             back‐to‐school events hosted at schools, youth   member.  The  goal  is  to  foster  ongoing  connections  with  the
             organizations (such as the YMCA), and community   faculty, staff, and parents who benefit from these services. The
             neighborhood programs, engaging with more than   team has also strategically divided Arlington schools to ensure
             3,500 children and families.  In FY 2024, 53,599 AISD   continuous communication with educators, enabling the Library
             student IDs were uploaded into the library system,   staff to provide student outreach services consistently.
             giving AISD students limited library access throughout
             FY 2024.  Also, 2,269 children received a new full‐
             access library account during FY 2024. This is a 5%
             increase when compared to FY 2023.

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