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Build Unity
Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
Objective 6: Build a Truly United Community
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
BU Unity Council Recommendations City Manager’s Office
1.6.3 (2023) – Senior Citizens
Summary: Short-Term Recommendation:
The City should create an outreach plan to a wide range of
The Unity Council’s 2023 Update Report examined the seniors specifically to encourage them to rejoin the City’s
progress made on the original 57 racial-equity focused volunteer program so they can increase their social
recommendations and considered three additional areas interactions and have an opportunity to engage in self-
of disparity and inclusion as directed by the City Council. esteem building activities and build friendships.
Specially, the Unity Council has set forth recommendations
addressing residents that are aged 65 and older; Update:
intellectually and physically disabled individuals; and The Chief Equity Officer met with Meals on Wheels of
members of the LGBTQ+ community. The Senior Tarrant County to discuss opportunities to deliver meals to
Community recommendations for the 2023 Update Report seniors, while combatting social isolation. Additionally,
are below. MoWTC has expressed a keen interest in partnering with
the City’s new ACTIV Adult Center to establish a
Recommendation No.1 congregate meal program for seniors that would like to
Concern or Issue: dine together while mitigating social isolation.
City programs for seniors should
be designed with their perspective in mind. The Mayor met with Seniors in May for a Dine with a
Short-Term Recommendation: Senior event at the East Arlington Rec and Library. During
The Parks and Recreation Department should engage the event, the Mayor highlighted the importance of the
senior residents to gain their insights and ensure City’s congregate meal programs and the anticipated
programming across the parks system, including ACTIV (the expansion of partnerships with MoWTC.
City’s new Active Adult Center which will open in winter
2024) meets their goals. Recommendation No.3
Concern or Issue:
Update: There is a lack of awareness of public transportation
The Department of Parks and Recreation continues to options for senior citizens.
reach out to members of the senior community in the Short-Term Recommendation:
design and programming of its ACTIV Adult Center. Parks Inform seniors of options available to them for movement
and Recreation continues to engage with the EngAGE within the City.
group regarding a variety of topics of interest to active • Advertise Arlington On-Demand to seniors in ways
adults/seniors. Parks and Recreation continues to offer a beyond the internet, such as water bill inserts.
variety of active adult/senior-focused programs at Dottie
Lynn Rec Center and EAST Library and Rec Center. Update:
The Chief Equity Officer met with the Director of
Surveys were collected at the Aging Well Expo to gauge the Transportation to discuss operational concerns coming
opinions of event attendees regarding programming at from the disabled community as it relates to public
ACTIV. Good progress is continuing to be made on the transportation. There was also discussion of conducting
construction of ACTIV, the City’s 72,000-square-foot active- user focus groups to better understand service
adult (50+) rec center, which is still scheduled to open vulnerabilities (particularly as it relates to disabled riders)
winter 2024 (i.e., early in calendar year 2025). and how to raise overalls awareness of transportation
options for seniors. The Director of Transportation held a
Recommendation No.2 virtual meeting with several stakeholders in the disability
Concern or Issue: community in May to discuss user needs in that
Post-pandemic, the City’s senior population has seen lower community. Will continue to consult with Transportation
volunteer rates. and Communications.