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                                                      Build Unity

                                Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
                                 Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
                                            Objective 6: Build a Truly United Community
                             Project                   Performance Measure(s)             Department(s)
             BU    Unity Council Recommendations                                City Manager’s Office
             1.6.4  (2023) – LGBTQ+ Community
             The Unity Council’s 2023 Update Report examined the   Chief Equity Officer will pursue in collaboration and
             progress made on the original 57 racial-equity focused   consultation with Human Resources and Legal.
             recommendations and considered three additional areas
             of disparity and inclusion as directed by the City Council.    The Annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey has already
             Specially, the Unity Council has set forth recommendations  incorporated the practice of collecting information from
             addressing residents that are aged 65 and older;   the LGBTQ community within the survey and presented
             intellectually and physically disabled individuals; and   those findings to the Unity Council in June ’24.
             members of the LGBTQ+ community.  The LGBTQ+
             Community recommendations for the 2023 Update Report   Recommendation No.3
             are below.                                        Concern or Issue:
                                                               Most public restrooms in Arlington are for “Males” or
             Recommendation No.1                               “Females.” A third option is needed for residents and
             Concern or Issue:                                 visitors who do not identify with these gender affiliations.
             City of Arlington should have a better understanding of   Long-Term Recommendation:
             changing gender affiliations among City employees or   To the extent possible, new public facilities that are owned
             residents. Data on this topic will help establish policies and   and operated by the City of Arlington should include an
             plans.                                            alternate option for public restrooms, such as single-user
             Short-Term Recommendation:                        restrooms.
             When appropriate, City surveys and forms should include a   •  Where possible, conduct an audit of existing
             wider range of gender affiliations beyond “Female” and    facilities to identify opportunities to expand
             “Male,” such as “Non-Binary.”                             single-user restrooms.

             Update:                                           Update:
             Chief Equity Officer will pursue in collaboration and   Chief Equity Officer will pursue in collaboration and
             consultation with Human Resources and Legal.      consultation with Asset Management.  Currently, Asset
                                                               Management has incorporated the installation of
             Recommendation No.2                               alternative individual/family restrooms into the design of
             Concern or Issue:                                 the MOT renovation.
             City of Arlington should have an understanding of sexual
             orientations of City employees or residents.
             Data on this topic will help establish policies and plans.
             Short-Term Recommendation:
             When appropriate, City surveys and forms should include a
             wider range of sexual orientations, such as “Straight,” “Gay
             or Lesbian,” “Bisexual,” or other categories.

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