Page 387 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                                      Build Unity

                                Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
                                 Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
                                            Objective 6: Build a Truly United Community
                             Project                   Performance Measure(s)             Department(s)
             BU    Unity Council Recommendations                                City Manager’s Office
             1.6.5  (2023) – Race & Ethnicity
             Summary:                                          Recommendation No.2
                                                               Concern or Issue:
             The Unity Council’s 2023 Update Report examined the   City of Arlington does not have an understanding of
             progress made on the original 57 racial-equity focused   similarities and differences among residents who were
             recommendations and considered three additional areas   born in the United States as compared to residents born
             of disparity and inclusion as directed by the City Council.    abroad. Data on this topic will help establish policies and
             Specially, the Unity Council has set forth recommendations  plans, as well as our understanding of diversity within
             addressing residents that are aged 65 and older;   racial and ethnic groups.
             intellectually and physically disabled individuals; and   Short-Term Recommendation:
             members of the LGBTQ+ community.  The Race and    When appropriate, City surveys and forms should ask
             Ethnicity recommendations for the 2023 Update Report   whether employees or residents were born in the United
             are below.                                        States.

             Recommendation No.1                               Update:
             Concern or Issue:                                 The Chief Equity Officer will work in collaboration with
             New residents who have recently immigrated to the   Communications and Legal to pursue this
             United States could use greater support in transitioning to   recommendation.
             life in Arlington.
             Short-Term Recommendation:                        Recommendation No.3
             The City should make government services information   Concern or Issue:
             available in a format that is accessible to a wide variety of   Various groups associated with the City of Arlington are
             people, including new immigrants and people who are   working to address diversity issues and should collaborate
             considering a move to our City.                   when appropriate.
                                                               Short-Term Recommendation:
             Update:                                           The Unity Council should collaborate with the Mayor’s
             The Chief Equity Officer will pursue this recommendation   advisory councils in promoting awareness of diversity
             in concert with the Office of Communications and   issues among residents.
             community service provider stakeholders like the United
             Way of Tarrant County, the YMCA and immigrant serving   Update:
             service providers.                                The Unity Council continues to collaborate with the
                                                               Mayor’s Advisory Councils to foster greater exchange and
                                                               understanding across social-ethnic groups within the City.
                                                               The groups continue to jointly host Cultural Briefing events
                                                               and social Happy hours to foster dialogue, exchange and
                                                               common working objectives around diversity, equity, and
                                                               inclusion in the City.

                                                               In August/September of 2024, the Unity Council leadership
                                                               will meet with the Mayor’s Advisory Councils to provide
                                                               them with their annual charge for advancing the city’s
                                                               understanding and awareness of diverse populations
                                                               throughout the City.

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