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Build Unity
Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
Objective 6: Build a Truly United Community
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
BU Unity Council Recommendations City Manager’s Office
1.6.2 (2023) – Disabled Community
Summary: available to residents who are neurodivergent or have
diagnosed mental illnesses.
The Unity Council’s 2023 Update Report examined the
progress made on the original 57 racial-equity focused Update:
recommendations and considered three additional areas The Chief Equity Officer is coordinating with the Mayor’s
of disparity and inclusion as directed by the City Council. Advisory Council on Disabilities and the Mayor’s Wellness
Specially, the Unity Council has set forth recommendations Coalition to begin addressing efforts in this area.
addressing residents that are aged 65 and older;
intellectually and physically disabled individuals; and Recommendation No.3
members of the LGBTQ+ community. The Disabled Concern or Issue:
Community recommendations for the 2023 Update Report City websites, applications and other forms of
are below. communication should continue to be accessible to people
with disabilities.
Recommendation No.1 Short-Term Recommendation:
Concern or Issue: Review City websites, applications, social media, etc. to
The City of Arlington has not updated its Americans with ensure they are accessible and establish clear standards
Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan in more than a that are compatible with emerging technology.
decade. It should be updated to reflect current guidelines. • Ensure that non-digital communications (such as
Long-Term Recommendation: Braille, sign language, etc.) remain robust.
The city should update its ADA Transition Plan to identify
obstacles that limit access to City of Arlington facilities, Update:
programs, services and activities for individuals with The Chief Equity Officer will consult and collaborate with
disabilities and describe methods to be used to make the Office of Communications to ensure that we are
facilities accessible. continuing to employ the most appropriate and inclusive
technology available for our disabled residents.
The city has committed $150,000 in its FY 2024 Budget to Recommendation No.4
update its ADA Transition Plan. Additionally, all City- Concern or Issue:
related building projects that are coming online are The City needs more dedicated space and equipment in
reviewed to ensure compliance with applicable ADA recreation centers and parks to accommodate individuals
standards. with different needs and abilities.
Short-Term Recommendation:
The Mayor’s Coalition on Aging is also working with the The Parks and Recreation Department should consistently
City’s planning department to present an ordinance to evaluate amenities within parks and recreation centers to
council that will foster more accessible design in public and accommodate individuals with different needs and
private development. abilities, including when developing new parks and
renovating existing parks.
Recommendation No.2
Concern or Issue: Update:
Residents experience a range of disabilities, physical and The Department of Parks and Recreation continues to
mental. However, physical disabilities seem to receive reach out to members of the disabled community in the
more attention than mental. design, updating and programming of its facilities.
Short-Term Recommendation:
The City must raise the level of awareness of resources