Page 117 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 117
This object classification is for expendable materials and operating supplies necessary to
conduct departmental activity and is consumed through use. Supplies make up 3% of
operating expenditures. Examples of these items include office and janitorial supplies,
postage, publications, wearing apparel, vehicle parts and fuel, tools, and living plants.
For all funds, this category increased over prior year by 4% due to inflationary pressures.
This object classification include services required to maintain assets of the City and may
be paid to outside vendors. This can include vehicle or equipment maintenance, hardware
and software maintenance, street striping, plumbing and electrical services, and radio and
book repairs. Maintenance makes up 3% of the operating expenditure budget. Overall,
maintenance is budgeted to decrease 6.2% this fiscal year in comparison to last year’s
budget. This is due to some one-time maintenance projects budgeted in FY2022-2023,
but not in FY2023-2024.
This category consists primarily of services provided to the City, and other miscellaneous
items. Services include bank services, audit and attorney fees, printing and binding,
laboratory testing, public utilities, rental of equipment, ambulance billing services,
collection agency fees, engineering services, appraisal district expenses, and insurance
fees. This category also includes water distribution and wastewater treatment fees paid
to the City’s wholesale providers. Miscellaneous expenses include dues and
subscriptions, travel, and training. This category also includes transfers between funds
and debt service payments. An increase of 14.4% has been budgeted for this category.
The contractual increases are generally driven by inflation in contracted services and
other related items, but also include the below:
➢ Additional recreation programs and program enhancements were included
this fiscal year. These include the reinstatement of the summer camp and
pre-school programs, and enhanced funding for WataugaFest. These
programs will bring in additional revenues to cover the cost of the programs.