Page 114 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 114


               In the FY2023-2024 budget, funding was concentrated on retention and recruitment of
               employees.  In this budget, the following is included:
                   o  Continued funding for civil service step increases.
                   o  1-3%  merit  increase  for  general  government  employees  based  on  annual
                   o  5% cost of living increase for all employees.

               Personnel changes (not including reclassifications) are listed below:

                   ➢  Parks and Recreation Department –
                          o  (3.75) Full-time equivalents were funded:
                                 o  15  seasonal  part-time  positions  were  added  for  the  preschool
                                     program (2 positions, .5 FTE) and the summer camp program (13
                                     positions, 3.25 FTE).
                          o  (3.5) Full time equivalents were moved from ARPA funding to the General
                              Fund as listed below:
                                 o  2 Part-time and 1 Full-time Recreation Attendants (1.50 FTE)
                                 o  1 Maintenance Worker (1.00 FTE)
                                 o  1 Irrigation Technician (1.00 FTE)

                   ➢  Library –
                                 o  .25 to 1.0 FTE Library Asst. (.75) FTE

               ➢  The City’s Employee Retirement (TMRS) rate is forecast to be 16.84%, up 1.78%
                   from last year’s rate of 15.06%.

               ➢  Health insurance cost increases over the last few fiscal years have been a major
                   concern in the City.  This fiscal year, health insurance was originally forecast to come
                   in  at  an  15%  increase  in  the  budget,  but  staff  and  the  City’s  broker  was  able  to
                   negotiate the increase to 8%.  The City will absorb the cost increases this year to aid
                   in recruitment and retention efforts.  The City contributes some funding to dependent
                   insurance costs and matching contributions for employees’ health savings accounts.
                   The City rolled out a cost sharing model for insurance premiums in the current fiscal
                   year to aid in the funding of medical increases in future years.

               ➢  Employee Programs funded this year include:

                   Employee engagement and events continue to be a priority this fiscal year and funding
                   has been provided for programs that bring city employees together.   The WataugaFit
                   program continues to be funded this year.  This is an employee wellness program to
                   identify  risk  and  provide  avenues  for  behavior  modification  which  reduces  chronic
                   disease, medical costs, and absenteeism.   It is a priority of the City to continue
                   Health  and  Wellness  programs  for  City  Employees.    The  employee  tuition
                   reimbursement continued to be funded this fiscal year.

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