Page 112 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 112


               Fines and Forfeitures - Include fines levied by the Municipal Judge for misdemeanor
               offenses  occurring  with  the  City  and  those  collected  on  citations  issued  for  code
               enforcement.  Fines for overdue library books were discontinued in FY2020-21. Other
               fees are also included in this category for certain items relating to municipal court.  Fines
               and forfeitures make up approximately 3% of General Fund revenues for fiscal year 2024.

               Miscellaneous revenue – This revenue consists primarily of interest earnings from the
               investment of city funds, proceeds from the sale of surplus City property, cell phone tower
               rent revenues and other various revenues.  Interest earnings are expected to increase in
               FY2023-24 due to the rising interest rates and comprise 3% of total revenues.

               Transfers In – Transfers in are comprised of funds transferred from another fund for
               general  and  administrative  fees  or  obligations  that  the  General  Fund  provides.  The
               contributing  funds  include  the  proprietary funds  (Water and  Sewer,  Storm  Drain) and
               special revenue funds (Crime Control and Economic Development Fund).  These are
               projected at 5% of General Fund Revenues.

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