Page 118 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 118


                          ➢  Water and Wastewater costs are estimated to increase 9.3% due to a sewer
                              wholesale cost increase from our provider, the City of Ft. Worth.
                          ➢  The Arts Program and  funding for Concerts  in  the  Park  continues  to  be
                              funded this fiscal year.
                          ➢  Debt service payments increased this year due to the 2023 debt issuance
                              and required payments budgeted for FY2024.

               Capital Outlay

               This classification is for the purchase or investment in items that are more than $5,000
               each that have a life of more than five years and that will be capitalized or considered a
               long-term asset of the City. The budget for these items fluctuates from year to year based
               on  identified  needs  and  funding  availability.    Examples  include  buildings,  furniture,
               equipment, and vehicles.   Infrastructure projects such as streets and water and sewer
               projects are included in this category.

               The  City  plans  for  these  high  dollar  items  through  the  Capital  Improvement  Plan
               Committee and Capital Outlay Plan Committee process.  The end results are the creation
               and continual updating of multi-year plans that help identify capital needs and possible
               funding sources.   The capital expenditures can be found in the Capital Projects and
               Capital Outlay Sections of this budget document.

               Various equipment and vehicle purchases will be funded this year and the majority of
               these items are listed in the 5-year Capital Outlay Plan with identified funding sources.
               Additionally, one-time capital items that have been requested are included in the General
               Fund budget.  Some of the items are listed below:

                          o  Public Works Department
                                 ▪  Fleet vehicles (3)
                                 ▪  HVAC and fire alarm equipment replacements
                                 ▪  Community Center foundation repairs
                                 ▪  School zone flasher upgrade
                                 ▪  Fuel Island operating system update
                                 ▪  Elevator modernization for Water Tower
                          o  Fire Department
                                 ▪  Breathing Air Compressor replacements
                                 ▪  Training Prop
                                 ▪  Fitness equipment and mattress replacements
                          o  Police Department
                                 ▪  Vehicle replacement
                                 ▪  Motorcycle for traffic enforcement
                                 ▪  Public safety equipment and rifle replacement program

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