Page 170 - Southlake FY24 Budget
P. 170
Planning & Development Services - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Ensure that strategic Implementation Strategy:
management planning efforts reflect the • Continue implementation of the Building
community’s desired outcomes, anticipate Inspections Process Improvement program to
trends and risks, and so that system elements identify customer service needs, review permit
produce measurable outcomes and successes process information, and create succession
can be clearly communicated. planning efforts
Department goal: Through the development
of the Southlake 2035 Comprehensive Plan CITY-WIDE GOAL: Provide a proactive system
elements, identify necessary capital projects and of support to meet the workplace emotional
programs required to meet the needs and service and physical needs of the work force, including
level demands of the community career enrichment and training support.
Implementation Strategy: Department Goal: Cultivate a positive work
The Department will assist in updating the environment for new and existing employees
following Comprehensive Plan elements as that provides opportunities to build connections
needed: with coworkers, encourages career growth and
City Department Overview
• The Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater development, and fosters employee engagement.
master plan elements will address water, sewer
and drainage needs for the community and Implementation Strategy:
prioritize infrastructure and utility related • Encourage employees to attend conferences,
projects based on the identified need. trainings, and other work-related events to
• The Mobility Master Plan will work to address promote career enrichment.
roadway intersections and pathway priorities. • Host engagement activities for employees to
network/develop connections and learn about
The department will assist in developing the city and department-related projects and
following Comprehensive Plan elements: initiatives.
• The Community Facilities Plan will
systematically evaluate City owned buildings
in terms of their quality-of-service delivery CITY-WIDE GOAL: Increase awareness of City
and prioritize maintenance and renovation programs, services, activities, and events.
accordingly. Additionally, the plan will provide
a level of community facilities that meet the Department Goal: Promote public awareness
needs of both the existing and projected and understanding of department services and
population. achievements through communication efforts
• The Technology Master Plan will enable that result in user-friendly, transparent, and
residents, businesses, and the City to work timely information
more efficiently, interact with each other in
new and better ways, and increase the overall Implementation Strategy:
quality of offered services. Additionally, • Provide information to the public on the roles
improved technology will enable the City to and services offered by building inspections,
streamline operations, better monitor assets, code enforcement, and planning services.
cut costs, improve existing services, innovate • Highlight key projects and department
new services, and improve communications. achievements through City media channels.
• Focus communication efforts for online
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Establish a customer service permitting service towards first-time users and
process improvement program. submission requirements (EnerGov Customer
Department Goal: Exceed customer expecta- • Focus communication on obtaining
tions through the continual review of internal information on development cases and how
processes and department operations. to participate in the development process (i.e.,
Active Planning Cases web page).
170 FY 2024 City of Southlake | Budget Book