Page 450 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 450

                                            Departmental Performance Measure Definitions
                                    DEPARTmEnTAL PERFORmAnCE mEASURE DEFInITIOnS

                                  D ep ar tment al   performance    measure   D efinitions
                                  Departmental performance measure Definitions

             Percentage of residential building permit reviews   This measure represents the percentage of
             completed within 5 or 10 business days (depending   residential building permit reviews completed by
             on project).                                    the Planning & Development Services staff within
                                                             the designated time frame (5 or 10 business days) to
                                                             return comments to the applicant.

             Percentage of commercial building permit reviews   The measure represents the percentage of
             completed within 10 or 15 business days (depending  commercial building permit reviews completed by
             on the project)                                 the Planning & Development Services staff within
                                                             the designated time frame (10 or 15 business days)
                                                             to return comments to the applicant.

             Implementation of Comprehensive Plan Initiatives  This measure represents the percentage of
                                                             identified citywide comprehensive plan elements
                                                             completed per the established business unit
                                                             performance indicator.


             Police Response Times for Priority Calls        This measure represents the evaluation of the
                                                             efficiency of officers responding to serious or major
                                                             crimes/calls for service from the time an officer is
                                                             dispatched until the time the first officer arrives on

             Average Criminal Case Clearance Rate for Detectives  This measure represents the evaluation of the
                                                             quality and effectiveness of criminal investigations
                                                             and case preparation for the prosecution of
                                                             perpetrators. For context, the national average for
                                                             criminal case clearance rates is around 31%.

             Full-time Voluntary Turnover Rate               This measure represents the percentage of full-
                                                             time employees who voluntarily leave employment
                                                             with the Police Department. It does not include
                                                             involuntary separations.  Turnover is measured by
                                                             the number of voluntary separations each quarter
                                                             divided by the number of FTE’s, multiplied by 100.

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