Page 452 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 452

                                                                       Financial Policies
                                                                     FInAnCIAL POLICIES


        The City of Southlake’s financial policies and charter provisions set forth the basic framework for the fiscal
        management of the City.  The policies below were developed within the parameters established by the applicable
        provisions of the Texas Local Government Code and the City of Southlake Charter.  Excerpts from the Charter follow
        the policy portion of this section.

                                               city of southlake
                                   statement of financial principles

        Accounting, Budgeting, and Financial Planning
        •  The City will establish accounting practices that conform to generally accepted accounting principles as set forth by
            the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

        •  An independent certified public accounting firm will perform an annual audit and an official comprehensive annual
            financial report (CAFR) shall be issued no later than 6 months following year-end.

        •  The independent certified public accounting firm shall provide a management letter, if one is issued, no later than
            March 31 following the end of the fiscal year.
        •  The City shall submit the CAFR to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the purpose of earning
            the Certificate of Achievement for Excellences in Financial Reporting.
        •  The City shall prepare an Annual Operating Budget and submit it for City Council approval prior to September 30.
        •  The Annual Operating Budget shall be prepared such that current revenues plus net operating transfers will be
            sufficient to support current expenditures.
        •  Expenditures from all operating funds shall not exceed the budgeted appropriations (as amended) for these funds.

        •  An adequate level of maintenance and replacement will be funded each year to ensure that all capital facilities and
            equipment are properly maintained.
        •  Charges for services and other revenues will be annually examined and adjusted as deemed necessary to respond to
            cost increases or any other changing circumstances.
        •  A three-year financial forecast shall be prepared annually projecting revenues and expenditures for all operating
            funds. This forecast shall be used as a planning tool in developing the following year’s operating budget.

        •  Investments shall be made in conformance with the City’s Investment Policy, with the primary objectives of:
              •  Safety-preservation of capital in the investment portfolio;
              •  Liquidity-portfolio remain sufficiently liquid to meet operating requirements; and,
              •  Yield-goal of rate of return of 102% of U.S. treasury curve at average maturity.

        •  All grants and other federal and state funds shall be managed to comply with the laws, regulations, and guidance of
            the grantor, and all gifts and donations shall be managed and expended according to the wishes and instructions of
            the donor.

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