Page 446 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 446
Departmental Performance Measure Definitions
Departmental performance measure Definitions
The list of definitions reflects key performance measures for the City
of Southlake’s departments. It is not a complete list of all measures.
Bond Rating - Fitch / S&P / Moody’s This measure represents our financial viability
Overall Employee Engagement Mean (Gallup Q12) This measure represents our organizations overall
employee engagement based on Gallup’s Q12
Survey and is directly linked to business outcome
Percent of citizens opinion on the overall quality of This measure represents our citizens satisfaction
life in Southlake - (Citizen Satisfaction Survey) with their overall quality of life while living in
Southlake as collected on our biennial Citizen
Satisfaction Survey.
Risk - Financial Activity Monitoring This measure represents the total number of fraud
incidents discovered through the internal audit risk
mitigation process.
Public Information Act requests processed within This measure represents that the City Secretary’s
five business days of receipt Office (CSO) complies with the Public Information
Act in oder to adequately and efficiently respond to
Open Records Requests. They also work closely with
the City Attorney and Attorney General as necessary
and keeps the City Manager’s Office aware of any
potential concerns.
Records stored digitally in the document repository This measure represents that records are stored
- Laserfiche digitally to ensure governmental transparency as the
City moves from paper to electronic storage.
Training hours for CSO staff This measure represents the training hours for
the department that enhances overall employee
City-wide Records Management Training (Hours) This measure represents the records management
training that is provided city-wide to ensure that
staff complies with the adopted plan.
BUDGET BOOK | FY 2023 City of Southlake 445